
Building connection with brick building


 We thought we’d share some thoughts on how you can use building bricks to build connection amongst your Neurodivergent community.

Building Bricks are amazing at sparking the imagination, we’ve seen so many different themes at camp after camp, some people like to be really methodical around what they are building – replicating constructions they may have done before. Others take a free-form approach and are less structured in what they do.

​What we can tell you, is that there is an amazing energy when we see the children at camp drawn to the pile of building bricks….some will visit just once during camp, for others it offers a quiet refuge and place for stillness and concentration, for beautiful hyperfocus to engage. 


 And space is made for other to join in…to swap pieces, what looks like simple play to the untrained eye is a haven for our Autistics to connect.

Building blocks builds the foundation for connection. For friendships and community to develop naturally at its own pace while imaginations run wild with possibilities. 

There is complete value in sourcing as many building bricks as you can, and providing space for your children to connect to build the world of their dreams – this approach can be used in small play groups, in schools or noisy spaces that need to offer an opportunity for people to explore quiet, unstructured play together.

​#spectrumadventures #autismcommunity #autismsupports #lego #buildingbrickslego #makingfriends

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