
Autism awareness month….

means sharing information about those who are less obviously autistic.

Our unique habits and coping mechanisms are what make us who we are. Being told we don’t meet a diagnosis doesn’t diminish our experiences, it only highlights the need for greater understanding and acceptance #AutismIsDiverse

Let’s educate others on our unique strategies and needs 💪#AutismAcceptance

Lots of Autistic folk incorporate preferences within their lifestyles that are obviously sensory based, and address anxiety, decision making fatigue and see us walking alongside others in the community seamlessly.

Fidgets, sensory accommodations are becoming more common also, and so you may not notice immediately the person doodling on the notepad while you speak, who may be direct in conversation, and seemingly impatient at times with their behaviour.

Alternatively it could be the person who has the same lunch, same breakfast, only will dine at one place, it could be home. Whose shelves only hold the same brand of items to eat…whose life on the surface is calm and contained, but behind the scenes careful planning is needed to ensure their needs are met.

Self-diagnosis can be a valuable tool in navigating the world with a clearer understanding of your neurology and support needs. 🌟


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